Monday, December 28, 2009

Sorry for being a bit late, computer issues were driving me nuts.

A slightly different take on "Is the glass half full or half empty"

We all have different perspectives and perceptions on this one.

Note: No beer was wasted in the taking of this photogaph.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Michael's "Perspective"

This photo illustrates the perspective between "hot" and "cold".

It is also posted to give my cousin Scott a little "perspective" on what it's going to be like to move back to Nebraska!

Next Week "Reflection"

Perspective is due tonight.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Danelle's "Letters of the Alphabet"

letters 004
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
So I have taken my fair share of math classes, and one thing I have noticed is that we use alot of Greek letters of the alphabet to create our formulas. One formula asks us to find the area of a polar coordinate by intergrating from alpha to beta. (Everything is in theta in polar coordinates). Anyways...... I PASSED CALC TWO WITH AN A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael's Letter of the Alphabet

What letter of the alphabet could I possibly like better than M? Not only is it both of my initials, but there is a V in the middle that is my middle initial!

This monolithic one just fell out of the sky, and into the ice, kind of like a Stone Henge thing.

Scott's "Letter"

"S" for Scott..... Or maybe for soon. Gave notice at work today and I am just over a month away from departing for home.

Next Week "Perspective"

"Letter of the Alphabet" due tonight!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Danelle's "Stars"

Stars 025
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
Okay.... I had to get creative. I call this "Exploding Star".

Scott's "Stars"

Star Trails Julian California, Three 35 Min Shots stacked for 105 mins of total exposure time.

Mike's "Stars"

Sorry that I did not get a picture in this week. I have a lot of excuses, none of them good, since I could have taken a picture of Burger Star or something.

I'm not thrilled about the topic "tactful". Let me know if there is something else on the list you would rather do.

Suggest me some topics too. We are running out.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Danelle's "Genuine"

genuine ring
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
Is this a genuine stone? I doubt it. But I still love this ring!

Andy's "Genuine"

This is a section of the Old Lincoln Highway. Taken today just as the snow storms reached the western edges of Omaha.

This is one of the few brick paved roads left and a genuine part of the Lincoln highway that stretches from New York to California.

Michael's "Genuine"

This is the genuine hood ornament (or mascot) from a 1929 Lincoln Town Car.

It was given to me by my aunt and mother after my grandfather passed in July. None of us really know the story behind it. Though he owned many cars in his lifetime, that would not have been one of them.

"Genuine" due Tonight

Next Week "Stars"


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well, last weeks topic was a bit of a toughie. Genuine should be a topic that you can just about use on any picture if your imaginative! Get crack'n

Monday, November 30, 2009

Ryan's "Tasteful"

... has gone missing. Don't wait up, folks!

School, work, holidays, procrastination. I have many excuses.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Michael's "Tasteful"

This kitchen thingy has a name. I forget what it is, but it is decorated with "good taste" or it is tasteful.

I had a lot of trouble with the topic this week because I'm not a man of good taste, but fortunately my wife has watched hours of HGTV and has learned to decorate the home using such.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Scott's "Shady Work"

I have always taken pictures of the Moon when it was full. Capturing it when most of it is darkly shaded was a bit more work.....

Hoping this post goes up correctly.....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Danelle's "Shady Work"

DragQueen 071
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
Last week a friend of mine invited us to a drag queen show. It seemed like pretty shady work to me at first. But when I went it turned out to be really fun. The lady in blue is the winner of this years drag queen show.

Ryan's "Shady Work"

Auto mechanics have a reputation of being somewhat shady, and the business in the background cuts chunks out of people and puts them in others! How much shadier can you get?

In the interest of full disclosure: I also used this photo in the WeeklyPhotography contest this week.


Michael's "Shady Work"

A coworker of Sandra's offered to help us finish the basement framing this weekend, and I have been pretty busy with that.

When all was done, I did get a chance to practice my hand puppetry with the flood lights I had set up while we worked. I call this this one "The Fedora". Oops.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Shady Work" due Tomorrow

Next week - "Tasteful"


Monday, November 16, 2009

Danelle's "Sleep"

zoozoo 312
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
This is one sleepy kitty!!! It's never hard to find a cute sleepy animal at the zoo.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dee's Sleep

Originally uploaded by DandyPhotography
"I love you Maggie. Good Night. Sweet Dweams" is exactly what I heard Christina saying in the bathroom this evening when I walked in on her putting Maggie to sleep. (Maggie always sleeps in the bathroom.) I didn't think I was going to have a pic this week when Christina asked me for some blankets, took off down the hall, and took care of it for me! And poor Maggie - what a good sport she is.

Ryan's "Sleep"

This is Loki:

She has taken the art of sleeping to a whole new level.


Michael's "Sleep"

It's always a little hard to get sleep around my house with three dogs. One wants to pee, one wants food, and the other wants to play. All the time.

I obviously left part of lunch in my pocket.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Sleep" due Tomorrow

Next week - "Shady Work"


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Danelle's "Full of Life"

FullOfLife 003
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
I suppose this is a little morbid. I was walking though Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln's largest and oldest cemetery, and found myself remember a story my college professor told our class. When he was a young lad, he found himself locked into Wyuka at night. Though the dead rest there, the cemetery seems to be full of life during the late hours of the day. People do wonder this ancient cemetery at night. He told us that the creepiest place he wondered by (besides Starkweather's grave) was a place called "Baby Land". Here hundreds of young ones rest. Just the name "Baby Land" is creepy.

Mike's "Full of Life"

Originally uploaded by studebkr

Behind this barn, in the day time, you see trees, birds and other things that are alive, but its at night when it becomes “Full of Life”. All kinds of fury creatures live there. Sometimes you can feel their eyes on you as you walk through the yard.

Oh, and this is a time lapse photo, where I forgot my tripod, so I set my camera on top of my shoe. Works well!

Andy's "Full of Life"

I was at Schramm State Park and found they still have the fish food to throw feed the fish in the fish ponds. The park may be run down and it doesn't see much in the way of visitors. But these little guys have some life in them still.

Full of Life due Tonight (Sunday)

Next weeks topic... "Sleep".

Monday, November 2, 2009

Danelle's "Weather"

Sorry I was late again.... This is a pic I took later in the day of some clouds as the sun began to set.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Michael's "Weather"

After a couple weeks of really lousy weather, had a nice weekend. I took a walk in the Spring Well Cemetery to find a weathered stone. I found many.

I also found two turkeys running around inside the place, and a few outside the fence too. They could not figure out how to flock up with that fence in the way!

Weather effected this stone not only with the rain and ice, but providing the moisture and sun that allows the lichen that grows on it.

Andy's Weather

This is the weathered woodshed of a certain family member.

Dee's "Weather"

Finally Some Sun
Originally uploaded by DandyPhotography
After so many days of rain and clouds, waking up to find the sun breaking through the clouds gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside. And it is important to remember that if not for the rainly cloudy days, we would not appreciate or enjoy days such as this one.

This was taken off my deck early in the morning. Thanks to Christina, I get to experience a lot of beautiful sunrises.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weather due Sunday Night

Next week - "Full of Life"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dee's Working Hard

Working Hard (Dee)
Originally uploaded by DandyPhotography
Ok - I know I am too late! So do not vote for me! But I thought I might as well practice while I had the time.

I was working hard cleaning the Living Room when I came to find Christina working hard in her room too!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Michael's "Working Hard"

Clean The Garage
Originally uploaded by studebkr
We decided to work hard today. We cleaned out the garage. We found many pairs of work gloves, tools and things we have been missing all year!

Danelle's "Working Hard"

working hard 020
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
As you can tell these two charecters are hard at work. My grandma Haines fell asleep in the chair with my kitty Tory on her and I thought it was the cutest picture!!!

"Working Hard" due Tomorrow

Next week - "Weather"


Monday, October 19, 2009

Danelle's "Fall Colors"

fall colours 003
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
Sorry I was late!!! It has been one of those weeks were it was super busy and super stressful.

This is a picture I took of our bush in our front yard. It has some really wonderful fall colors that make this time of the season so beautiful.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Michael's "Fall Colors"

Chalco Fall
Originally uploaded by studebkr
I wanted to do a play on words this week, like crayons falling out of a bucket, but the weather turned nice and I decided to drive around.

There really were no trees in Nebraska 200 years ago, so finding Maine like colors means finding a colorful man-made forest. This is the back side of Chalco Hills Recreation Area. Old men go there to fish and get away from their jobs and wives.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Next Week "Working Hard"

"Fall Colors" is due tomorrow night!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Michael's "Fragile"

A Dozen
Originally uploaded by studebkr
No eggs were harmed during this weeks shooting. I took the easy way out. I know these eggs are fragile because it says so on the carton.

Fragile is also a great album by the band “Yes”, but I gave up my vinyl years ago. Those albums had the best artwork ever.

That's about it! Vote for me, or all twelve of them get it! Over easy.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Next Week "Fall Colors"

"Fragile" is due tomorrow.

- Michael -

Danelle's "Fragile"

Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
This is a picture of a rose I took this morning. It snowed early today and I got excited!! This just shows how fragile life is. Though no matter how fragile this flower is, it will always bloom again.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Michael's "Old Things"

Unwanted Little Shed
Originally uploaded by studebkr
I was out driving by the Platte River looking for pictures for my other contest when I ran into this tumbling shed. It was probably dragged there from another spot, but obviously old and unwanted.

I am guessing there is a bonfire in its future.

Danelle's "Old things"

Barbs farm
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
This is a picture I took of a old tractor and old wagon. I mentioned this contest to a lady that I work with (barb) and she said she owned these at her farm. She gave me permission to go out and take a few pictures. Then I made the picture brown and white to make it "old" looking. Thanks Barb!!

"Old Things" is due Sunday Night

"Old Things" is due Sunday Night at midnight. Next week the topic will be "Fragile" (or Fra-jill-lay). Voting will start on "Old Things" from Sunday Midnight for seven days.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Using Blogger to Store Photo

This image was uploaded straight into Blogger so I guess we don't have to have Flicker to do this either!

Just using the editor you can upload photos.

Using Flickr to Store Photo

Coffee Ready Yet?
Originally uploaded by studebkr
This is just a test post from Flickr using the "BlogIT" Tool. Trying to figure out the best way to get peoples pics from Flickr to this blog.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Topic "Old Things"

The first topic of this contest will be "Old Things". One picture related to this topic is due by midnight on Oct. 4, 2009.

The picture must be taken during the week of the contest, which includes the weekend prior to the due date, and the weekend of the due date. I will contestants accounts to this site, and document how to make your picture appear here after posting it first on Flickr. If you want to post it elsewhere you are welcome, but will need to obtain their instructions for blog posting.

Good Luck!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to Dandy Photography

I am involved with some friends in at photography contest at and my kids and friends have show some interest in doing the same.

I thought we try it here on blogger just as we do with the other contest. It has worked well for us thus far.

Invited Photographers: You must be invited to join this blog, and you will need a gmail account in order to log in.

You will also need some sort of photo hosting service such as Flickr or Smugmug. You may use the free versions, but you must set you photograph permission so that they are visible to the public.