Sunday, March 21, 2010

Andy's "Inside-Out"

This was on North 1st Street well after city limits. The photo was taken from the inside of the truck out on to a herd of deer. They continued to run along side the truck for about another mile. That was until they split in two groups and I almost hit a few and turned them "inside-out".

Danelle's 'Inside out"

inside out 095
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
OH MY GOSH!!! My room has been ramsacked. They turned my room inside out!!!! (that is my excuse for a dirty room, anyone up for eye-spy?)

Sandra's "Inside Out"

Sandra's idea for this shot was to make me go out into the tree's and take a picture back into park. I think she was trying to lose me. She staged several of these, and I pretty much only clicked the shutter so I decided that her name should go on this one.

Maybe next week she will pick up one of these cameras and participate! We can always use more players!

Michael's "Inside Out"

Sunday turned out to be the first nice weekend day in a while. The dogs took my keys, and barred themselves in my car until they got their walk.

We took them to Chalco recreation area. This is a picture from inside the fishing dock facing back out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Next Week "Scrapped"

"Inside Out" due Sunday Night

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Danelle's "Weathered"

Weathered 002
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
This is a weathered brick wall at my house. Weathering caused by water erosion and roots has given this brick a unique look.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Michael's "Weathered"

I don't know about you, but I am tired of the weather, and the weather really hampered my shooting this week, so I shot a lot in doors.

This is a Spuddy Buddy. My company does not celebrate St. Patrick's Day, it celebrates St. Patrick's Week, and this is one of the contests. Make a person out of a potato, except this one is made out of a cabbage and a potato, and submitted two weeks early, so its is probably going to "weather" into sauerkraut before the 17th.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Next Week "Inside Out"

Weathered is due Sunday Night

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Andy's Public

Better late then never.

What I have is a photo of the mess that is just off the Waverly exit on I-80. From what I can tell it is another Department of Roads project for the 'public' roads.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Michael's "Public"

I thought public transportation would work well for this topic.
Especially if it was moving public school kids.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Next Week "Weathered"

"Public" due Sunday Night