Saturday, July 31, 2010

Next Week "Outer Limits"

"Conclusion" due Sunday night.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Danelle's "Exercise"

exercise 089
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
This Sunday Shopko's competed against eachother in Softball. This is Natalie representing Store 39 (my store). Clearly we all got some exercise this weekend.

Michael's "Exercise"

My daughter invited me to meet her at a softball game that her ShopKo friends were playing.
I was able to get my exercise photo there.  She probably as well!   She also got some exercise, I did not.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Next Week "Conclusion"

"Exercise" Due Sunday Night


Monday, July 19, 2010

Danelle's "Buffet"

buffet 029
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
These mushrooms could wind up in a buffet of some sort. Though I doubt you would want to eat them.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Michael's "Buffet"

I had the privilege this week of helping to arrange a CD Release Party for a band called West of Eden.  That is where I took the most pictures this week.
In this picture you see a rack of guitar effects, in effect, a "buffet" of sounds.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Next Week "Exercise"

"Buffet" is due Sunday night.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Ryan's "Best of 2010"

One of my favorites so far:

My sister playing with bubbles last weekend.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Danelle's "Best of 2010"

texture 1
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4

Michael's "Best of 2010"

I don't know if this is my best, but it is the picture that I drove furthest to get this year.
This is St. Bonaventure in Raeville, Ne, which you can read more about at Wikipedia.  I took many pictures that weekend, but had to go out of my way a few miles to get to this lonesome church that sits in what is pretty much a ghost town in the Nebraska Sandhills.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Next Week "Buffet"

Best of 2010 due Sunday Night.

(any pic taken in 2010)


Monday, July 5, 2010

Ryan's "Cavity"

Not my greatest photo....

Cannon work by directing rapidly expanding gasses out of a cavity.

This is a tiny little black powder salute cannon. It is shooting around 60 grains of Pyrodex ffg powder. That load sounds about like a 12 gauge shotgun and flips the little cannon onto it's back.


Michael's "Cavity"

I decided to stray from the usual suspects on this one.  Tooth cavities are no fun unless you have an X-ray machine and I do not.
The kind of cavity they talk about in an airport search did not work for me either.  I had taken some pictures with closeup lenses in my back yard this weekend.  Found a set for my daughter and decided to dig mine out for a change.  Lilies have a cavity where the stamen come out of the flower.  Good enough for me!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Next Week "Best of 2010"

Just pick your best picture from this year.

"Cavity" is due, oh lets say Monday night, since I'm a day off on things myself!