Sunday, December 26, 2010

Coreen's "Iron"

I looked out and saw these giant towers.   We watched them being built in 1967.  And one fell down and had to be rebuilt about three years ago.   They are giant towers of IRON and STEEL.   Real IRON MEN built them.  
We watched them walk around up there like they were on their patio having a beer.  It was amazing to see.   This morning these towers were covered in frost.  It was like they had been decorated for Christmas.   They glimmered in the sunlight.   Look closely and you will see a vapor trail of an iron/steel UFO.  Also amazing!!

Michael's "Iron"

Iron is the main element in most types of steel we use to make cars and building though more modern materials are starting to take it's place.  Houses used to have steel pipe, and it required tools like this to take that pipe apart, and replace it.
These are left over from my house on Iowa street.  I keep trying to give them to relatives, but most have newer houses that use copper or PVC.  If not, they are replacing that iron pipe with it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Next Week "Tales or Tails"

"Iron" is due Sunday midnightish.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Coreen's "Astonish"

There is much that astonishes me.  Most of it cannot be photographed.   But this particular Christmas display is really something.   This house is on 69th and Hartman.   I watched these people decorate for about two weeks. 
Every time I drove by,  they were out there in warm clothes stringing lights and putting up displays.  This photograph only shows about half of what they have burning in the night.  I needed a wide angle camera to take the full expanse of the display.  It is "astonishing" to see.  I wish the photograph did the display justice.  It does not.

Elizabeth's "Astonish"

This is my astonish because Mom told me to go take the sheets off of my bed today. When I went to get them I was astonished to see them all piled on my bed. A gift from my brother. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Michael's "Astonish"

Well... let's see.  When I am bored I like to try and "astonish" the little children in our family with the old pull my finger off my hand trick.
Later I just ask them to pull my finger.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Next Week "Iron"

"Astonish" is due Sunday Nightish.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Danelle's "Altered"

altered mice 009
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
This is what happens when me and my friends start baking.... These oreo cookies, kisses, cherries, and almonds have been altered into mice!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Elizabeth's "Alter"

I’m in the process of altering the content of the book I finished this summer.
It needs a lot of work and I should go now and alter it some more!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Michael's "Altered"

Thank goodness there is a nine day window for taking pictures in this contest.  (Weekend prior to weekend of)  Because I shot this last Sunday when the weather was nice!
This is the Old Mattress Factory Bar and Grill.  It was a mattress factory, now it has been "altered" into a bar and grill.  Hence the name.

Coreen's "Altered"

This little Christmas Angel was made for me by a friend a long time ago.   It is a little altered with time.   Most Christmas Angels feel a little altered about two weeks before Christmas. 
I don't know if I can rescue her for another year or not.   The weather also altered our view from our front window.  It totally changed in just a couple of hours.

Mary's "Altered"

What we have is a dead water heater in the front yard of our neighbor that has been altered. I thought I could not be shocked any more my the hillbillies I live with in Missouri, but i was wrong.  This one did it.
My card club is mortified and said i should call the police, but i would not hurt the guy's feelings.  So I am making fun of him behind his back.  Nice godmother.

I am sending the pictures of daytime and night time so you can have the full effect.

(Note: I could not decide whether to post the day or night photo for Mary, so I made a collage of them all - Mike)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Next Week "Astonish"

"Alter" due Sunday Night


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Danelle's "Tipped"

Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
I went mountain tipping! (tongue in cheek)

Coreen's "Tipping"

Did Santa tip or is he tipsy?

Michael's "Tipping"

I was half "tipping" over trying to take this shot.  I don't know if it makes the building look that way or not.

This is the Tip Top building down by the new ball stadium.  It has been turned into loft apartments.  Hmm... I could use this picture next week for the "alter" topic. 

The Tip Top used to be a factory that assembled model T Fords.  After that, it became a factory for making bobby pins and pink hair curlers.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Next Week "Alter"

"Tipping" is due Sunday night.

We could also use some more topics. You can email me ideas.
