Sunday, April 17, 2011

Michael's "Bank"

All hills have a "bank" to them.  This house is built on the bank of a hill.
I also like the interesting way they did the sidewalk here.  It has quite a bank to it.  So much so, that I don't think you could park a car there and let the passenger out!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Taking a Break

I think we are going to take a break from this for a while.  If you feel that is a mistake, or you intended to play next week, let me know.  We can always start it up again later.

The topic "Bank" is due Sunday night.  Don't get yourself arrested for this one.  It can be a piggy bank, a river bank, etc.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coreen's "Surprise"

Surprise - Spring brings a lot of surprises. This little flow sprung up in my rose garden. I did not plant it there. But I will let it stay. It is just too pretty to pull it up and I don't think the roses will care.

Michael's "Surprise"

We got a nice surprise this week.  The trees have started to blossom.
It looks like Spring is finally here!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Next Week "Bank"

Surprise is due Sunday night.

I did not get the poll for Weekly put up, so it will run until Tuesday.  You guys gotta email me if I screw up!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coreen's "Weekly"

Every since I was a kid, one thing that has always happened around our house is the Sunday funnies.   It is the first thing Bob reaches for when we bring in the paper. 
The Sunday comic section has a way of starting the week off with the right mood.  We need to laugh at ourselves.

Michael's "Weekly"

On a weekly basis.  Whether I need to or not.
I take a bath.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Next Week "Surprise"

"Weekly" due Sunday Night


Monday, March 28, 2011

Danelle's "Creepy"

McLane 043 by grlbandgeek4
McLane 043, a photo by grlbandgeek4 on Flickr.

I was hiking alone in this park called McLane Creek and these wooden paths are twisting a turning. They are creepy because I didn't know were they would lead.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Michael's "Creepy"

Some people think that tarot cards are kind of creepy, or that using them is.  I learned to read them when I was working on psychic programs at West Interactive in the mid 1990's.  I found it a lot of fun, and a great way to spend time at a coffee house.  I never got good enough to charge for it though.
In the middle you see the "Death" card which always looks creepy, but it really means re-birth.  The "Tower", "Moon" and "Ten of Swords" probably have worse meanings, but all of their meanings change depending on the order they are placed and where.  Like dreaming, it is a great way to organize what is in your subconscious.  For some it is a form of creative meditation.

Coreen's "Creepy"

This is a picture of my "Lucky Dogs".   I bought these little statues in Japan for about $5.00.  They were the smallest and cheapest ones I could find.    But these gargoyles are all over Japan.   Very large ones are at the entrances of all the important buildings and temples. 
Many of the homes have them at the front doors.   I do not know the full story on them but it seems to be tied to ancient practices of Asian religions.  I understand they are in China as well.   The figures are supposed to ward off evil spirits.   So I brought two of them home with me and I call them my LUCKY DOGS??

Next Week "Weekly"

"Creepy" is due tonight at midnight... (or whenever Andy or Danelle get around to posting something... sorry I forgot to list this yesterday!

I never put poll up for hanging either!  You guys have to keep on me about that.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Michael's "Hanging"

There were a lot of things hanging from our office ceiling this week as we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day.
My favorite was this rainbow in the accounting room.

Coreen's "Hanging"

This little colorful room thermometer has always fascinated me. The bubbles always look like they are hanging in space but they are really floating. But the temperature numbers are hanging on the bubbles. Thus, my hanging picture?!!

Next Week "Creepy"

Hanging due Sunday night.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Coreen's "Club"

Club - a collection of people drawn together by a specific interest.    I belong to several clubs - both religious and civic.   But my favorite club is my own private "Kids Club".   
Since I co-founded the club, I make the rules.   They have to come and see me now and then and tell me their dreams and I will tell them mine.   It is a great "Club".

Michael's "Club"

A bowling pin is kind of like a club.  When I was in Cub Scouts I saw one kid club another in the head with one and give him a slight concussion.

A bowling league is basically a club.  I guess I don't know, for sure, because I have never belonged to one.

Hmm. I wonder if the kitchen in this place serves a club sandwich?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Next Week "Hanging"

We are gonna have a hanging...

"Club" is due Sunday night.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Coreen's "Historical"

Historical - Springwell Danish Cemetery is only a couple of blocks from our house. There are graves in there going back to 1868. Most markers have names ending in SEN. But there are a few others. There is so much history there if you read the markers and connect the dots. It can be very sad. There are three markers that are about 6 or 7 feet tall and shaped like trees. They mark the graves of fallen firefighters. I suspect the firefighter brotherhood or union provided the markers for their fallen? This marker is for Alfred (AC) Gyreum, 1860-1893. He died when he was only 33. The same age as Jesus. I wonder if he left a family? I looked up the list of fallen firefighters for the City of Omaha and it said he died on 1422 Farnam Street when a wall collapsed. These markers contain images of the fireman's hats, badges, pick axes, ropes, etc. If you look real close on the right side you can see the pick axe. Firemen are and always have been real heroes.

Michael's "Historical"

The county seat of Polk County is in Osceola, NE. The "center of population" in Nebraska, is located in Polk County, near Shelby. The county is named after President James Polk.
I can't find any interesting Historical facts about the town or the county.  You can click the links above to read more.  I am, however, always fascinated by the architecture that is used in the county court houses across Nebraska.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Danelle's "Historical"

Beacon Rock 027 by grlbandgeek4
Beacon Rock 027 a photo by grlbandgeek4 on Flickr.
Some friends and I went hiking along the Oregon-Washington border this week to a place called Beacon Rock. The rock is nearly 850 feet tall and has 52 switchbacks scaling its sides to reach the top. Lewis and Clark first saw this monument on their travels and originally named it Beaton Rock. The rock is the remnants of an old volcano that erupted nearly 52,000 years ago and has been worn down by ice age floods. I believe that’s pretty historical. Upon making it to the top you really appreciate the beauty of nature!

Next Week "Club"

"Historical" Due Sunday Night.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Coreen's "Light"

Light - The ultimate light is sunlight.  The solar flares as seen on the News yesterday prove that.   We always get a few rays through our living room window.   And the pets, all of our dogs and cats,  have loved to bask in the sunlight on cold winter days.
I think they know something about the healing power of sun rays.    They will move across the living room as the rays move, always seeking the warmth of the sun.    I like it too!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Michael's "Light"

Lake Zorinsky is a little "light" on water this year.  The water has been drained exposing these tires that were put in for fish habitat.
The discovery of a Russian Zebra Mussel not native to our lakes was found causing the NRD to drain the lake in the hopes of killing this slug off before it got out of control.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Next Week "Historical"

"Light" is due Sunday Night.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Andy's "Time"

It is almost spring time. Or at least the robins think so.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Michael's "Time"

Velocity or speed is measured by dividing distance by "time".  The speed limit on most Nebraska interstates is 75 miles per hour. 
The bullet from an AR-15 rifle leaves the barrel at 3,200 feet per second.

Coreen's "Time"

The ancients marked time with the sun and the moon.   By some coincidence, we are having a full moon this week.  Since this big clock is rising in the sky, I decided to try to take a picture of it.  
Moons are difficult to photograph with a cheap camera.   But this picture turned out pretty good.  I wish everyone many, happy "moons"!

Next Week "Light"

Green is due Sunday Night.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Danelle's "Green"

aquarium 040
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
I visited the Seattle Aquarium with Justin and we saw this fish that is munching on some leafy greens!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Coreen's "Green"

Green - As I watch the snow melt little by little, I can see green.  This picture, taken of one of our rock gardens, shows little bits of English ivy, yarrow, and sedum.
They have been hidden under the snow so they still have a green hue about them.  As the snow melts, I see the green and yearn for spring and all the greens that April will bring.

Michael's "Green"

I wish it were more "green" outside.  The weather is nice, but snow is still melting and the nothing is budding yet.  Though my allergies are grateful.
I forget where I bought this frog.  Pier One Imports on clearance, I think.  If you pull the stick out of its mouth and rub its back, it makes a frog like noise.  Because that is the useful kind of stuff they sell there!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Next Week "Time"

Green is due Sunday Night.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Andy's "Wings"

Ok so this is not a real eagle. But it is a statue of an eagle on a parking garage in Downtown Lincoln. A certain adult figure advised me when I was a small child that this eagle comes to life and eats children. Due to this I may or may not have a irrational fear of eagle statues. Thanks dad.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Michael's "Wings"

Men have always been fascinated with wings.  We watched birds fly then figured out how to do so ourselves.
There are not as many species of flying machines as there are birds, but there seems to be a scale model of every one!

Coreen's "Wings"

This very old, but still useful winged air plane was made by Fisher Price Enterprises for Miller Entertainment Services.  It is almost as old as the B29's.    But it is still taking the imaginations of little people on wonderful fantasy trips.  
A long line of Miller and Miller Grandchildren have toured the world on its wings.    It just might be capable of a few more journeys.  It is going to take a little more duct tape to get it going.  But it will go if called upon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Next Week "Green"

Wow, this could mean a John Deer, or something energy saving or recycled!

Wings is due Tuesday...   we will try to get back on next week with "Green" being due on Sunday again.

I Did it Again

I did not get the poll up again this week!  So we will Vote until Tuesday, and "Wings" Will be due on Tuesday at midnight.

I need to come up with a topic for next week.  I will have one by Sunday.  Email me any ideas you have and we can get ball rolling again.  Great pics everyone!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Andy's "Decay"

This is a bit of land next to my work's parking lot. During my breaks you can even see deer crossing it to a near by pond. This is some wild land left that is slowing "decaying" away as population levels rise.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Michael's "Decay"

You can slow the decay of your teeth by brushing every day!
Thank God Sandra reminds me to do it!

Danelle's "Decay"

Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
I went hiking with my friend Pam and we got lost on the trails. We eventually ran into these old railroad tracks that were decaying. It is fun getting lost and seeing what you can find!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Coreen's "Decay"

Decay - the best place to find decay around here is in the refrigerator.  There is the possibility of a lot of decay in there.  I found these too yellow delicious apples in the fruit drawer.  
I think they are in the first stages of decay.  Probably almost too decayed to be edible.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Next Week "Wings"

Since I forgot to put up the poll for "Charge" voting will last until Tuesday, and we will make the "Decay" topic due on Tuesday.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Coreen's "Charge"

CHARGE!!   I wanted to go down and take a picture of the big vapor cloud above the North Omaha OPPD Power Plant but it was too cloudy yesterday.   I think that cloud is result of a very big charge.  The FEDS would probably have arrested me, a grandmother, for trespassing. 
So I got a picture of Bonnie and one our squirrels just before the charge.  I had to take the picture from my dinning room window in order not to interfere with the charge. So the quality is poor.  But you can be sure there was a CHARGE!  I just am not fast enough with the camera to catch the actual charge.  Bonnie just about got the squirrel and would have had she not been tied.

Michael's "Charge"

The plasma lamp was invented by Nikola Tesla after his experimentation with high-frequency currents in an evacuated glass tube for the purpose of studying high voltage phenomena, but the modern versions were first designed by Bill Parker. Tesla called this invention an inert gas discharge tube. Wiki
Anyway... If you touch the glass the "charge" is more attracted to the spot your fingers touch.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Next Week "Decay"

Charge is due Sunday night.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Michael's "Suspense"

My photo involves the railroad too.  We went down to the Model Railroad show this weekend and wandered around a bit. 
What does this have to do with "suspense"?  I always feel a lot of suspense when a train is going into or coming out of a tunnel.  I suppose you would feel more if you were a passenger, but do like the displays that have lots of tunnels and bridges.

Coreen's "Suspense"

I stretch the rules on this one.   I took a picture of a picture that I have been trying to throw away for a long time.  But there is so much "Suspense" and interesting history in it that I have not been able to get rid of it.   It came from my Grandmother Nielson's house.   She inherited a lot of things and wealth from the people that she was maid to most of her life from the time she was ten years old.  There is a novel there.   Anyway, this picture says so much but leaves so much out???  
This is a pre 1900 photo. Mr. Beattie, my grandmother's employer, worked for a railroad in Council Bluffs.  Probably the U.P.  But that is not what the map on the back wall says?  Also on the wall are the photos of two beautiful shapely women.  Are these 1800 pin-up?  Interesting!!   Look how this man is dressed.  Look at his shoes.    He has no phone but a Morse code machine on his desk.   The big "funnel" over his head is probably the heating system.   But he does seem to have an electric light.   Look at that wonderful roll top desk.  It is kind of messy.  See the file cabinet.  Look at the latice waste basket.  Check out the hair!   Was he happy in his job?  He looks pretty fit.  Is that an ashtray on his desk?     On an on??

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Next Week "Charge"

Suspense is due Sunday Nightish


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Elizabeth's "Best of 2010"

We went to Mt. Rushmore in October. It was cool to see the faces. We went on a walk that led pretty much right below them and it was cool to see them from that angle.
P.S. Have you ever noticed that their pupils are square pegs?

Coreen's "Best of 2010"

Last summer, we visited the state of Idaho and found a lot of interesting and strange places.  The strangest place was the Craters of the Moon National Monument.   It is a huge lava field that spreads for miles as the result of several volcanic explosions.   It is not pretty but very interesting.   We walked all through the field on paths and then climbed a lava mountain that reached about 1500 feet.
We took this picture from the top of that mount.  It is difficult to see the end of the mountain and the beginning of the landscape below because they are all black.  Some of the astronauts that went to the moon trained here because the landscape is so much like the moon.  It was really a hot day and the black lava rocks radiated that sunlight right back to us.  It was surreal.

Ryan's "Best of 2010"

Returning from a long hiatus....

I was going to post the same photo I used over on weeklyphotography, but I decided to spread my luck and post this:

See why I'm afraid of her?


Michael's "Best of 2010"

I used this photo for the topic "domestic" on the contest I do at Weekly Photography.
I liked it so much, I had Shutterfly blow it up and plan to hang it in my "Man Cave".  I saw this car on a trailer near Lincoln on Hwy 6 the day we moved Andy into his apartment.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Next Week "Suspense"

"Best of 2010" is due Sunday Night!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coreen's "Tales or Tails"

Tales or Tails?  - I went for "Tales".  I always read fairy tales to my children and grandchildren.  Now I am reading them to Christina.  She loves them and we say them together.  They are very old rhymes and stories but children seem to relate to them.  
Like the Dr. Suess books, the sounds of the rhymes seem to have meaning for children.  Mother Goose books usually have wonderful illustrations that help the "Tale" along.  So my photo is a photo of a page from the Mother Goose book - a book of wonderful TALES.

Michael's "Tales or Tails"

Danelle and I never made it to the zoo this week like I promised her, but we had lots of fun anyway!  This left me a little short on photos of tails.  Though I'm sure there were tales to tell.
For the price of dog biscuit, I got these two to pose for me.  The camera adds ten pounds!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Next Week "Best of 2010"

Just any picture you took in 2010 that you really liked for next week!

Tales or Tails is due tomorrow night.
