Monday, February 28, 2011

Coreen's "Light"

Light - The ultimate light is sunlight.  The solar flares as seen on the News yesterday prove that.   We always get a few rays through our living room window.   And the pets, all of our dogs and cats,  have loved to bask in the sunlight on cold winter days.
I think they know something about the healing power of sun rays.    They will move across the living room as the rays move, always seeking the warmth of the sun.    I like it too!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Michael's "Light"

Lake Zorinsky is a little "light" on water this year.  The water has been drained exposing these tires that were put in for fish habitat.
The discovery of a Russian Zebra Mussel not native to our lakes was found causing the NRD to drain the lake in the hopes of killing this slug off before it got out of control.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Next Week "Historical"

"Light" is due Sunday Night.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Andy's "Time"

It is almost spring time. Or at least the robins think so.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Michael's "Time"

Velocity or speed is measured by dividing distance by "time".  The speed limit on most Nebraska interstates is 75 miles per hour. 
The bullet from an AR-15 rifle leaves the barrel at 3,200 feet per second.

Coreen's "Time"

The ancients marked time with the sun and the moon.   By some coincidence, we are having a full moon this week.  Since this big clock is rising in the sky, I decided to try to take a picture of it.  
Moons are difficult to photograph with a cheap camera.   But this picture turned out pretty good.  I wish everyone many, happy "moons"!

Next Week "Light"

Green is due Sunday Night.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Danelle's "Green"

aquarium 040
Originally uploaded by grlbandgeek4
I visited the Seattle Aquarium with Justin and we saw this fish that is munching on some leafy greens!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Coreen's "Green"

Green - As I watch the snow melt little by little, I can see green.  This picture, taken of one of our rock gardens, shows little bits of English ivy, yarrow, and sedum.
They have been hidden under the snow so they still have a green hue about them.  As the snow melts, I see the green and yearn for spring and all the greens that April will bring.

Michael's "Green"

I wish it were more "green" outside.  The weather is nice, but snow is still melting and the nothing is budding yet.  Though my allergies are grateful.
I forget where I bought this frog.  Pier One Imports on clearance, I think.  If you pull the stick out of its mouth and rub its back, it makes a frog like noise.  Because that is the useful kind of stuff they sell there!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Next Week "Time"

Green is due Sunday Night.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Andy's "Wings"

Ok so this is not a real eagle. But it is a statue of an eagle on a parking garage in Downtown Lincoln. A certain adult figure advised me when I was a small child that this eagle comes to life and eats children. Due to this I may or may not have a irrational fear of eagle statues. Thanks dad.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Michael's "Wings"

Men have always been fascinated with wings.  We watched birds fly then figured out how to do so ourselves.
There are not as many species of flying machines as there are birds, but there seems to be a scale model of every one!

Coreen's "Wings"

This very old, but still useful winged air plane was made by Fisher Price Enterprises for Miller Entertainment Services.  It is almost as old as the B29's.    But it is still taking the imaginations of little people on wonderful fantasy trips.  
A long line of Miller and Miller Grandchildren have toured the world on its wings.    It just might be capable of a few more journeys.  It is going to take a little more duct tape to get it going.  But it will go if called upon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Next Week "Green"

Wow, this could mean a John Deer, or something energy saving or recycled!

Wings is due Tuesday...   we will try to get back on next week with "Green" being due on Sunday again.

I Did it Again

I did not get the poll up again this week!  So we will Vote until Tuesday, and "Wings" Will be due on Tuesday at midnight.

I need to come up with a topic for next week.  I will have one by Sunday.  Email me any ideas you have and we can get ball rolling again.  Great pics everyone!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Andy's "Decay"

This is a bit of land next to my work's parking lot. During my breaks you can even see deer crossing it to a near by pond. This is some wild land left that is slowing "decaying" away as population levels rise.